Grateful Sunday #49: Clean Living

– being able to accomplish volumes in a day without setting foot outdoors
– consequently, sporting naught but loungewear for said day
– freshly-cut, roommate-prepared stir-fry dishes
– dissociating “NFL broadcast” and “beers”
– nailbiting playoff ballgames
– sobriety.

Drop a Line

A Holistic Journey

Finding my way back out of motherhood -- while mothering

Critical Dispatches

Reports from my somewhat unusual life


Stay curious.

Seeing Clear Lee

musings on becoming alcohol-free

Sailing on Dreams

Playing mind games with Soul

Rasmus Keger

Through the eyes of Rasmus Keger

Globe Dreaming

To travel is to live.


What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?


Food, Travel and Photography Blog

unConfirmed Bachelorette

Proudly living alone with cats


Daily Thoughts and Meditations as we journey together with our Lord.

Zen and the Art of Moto Taxi Survival

Lessons learned while flirting with disaster in Paris traffic

will hike for food

Just Get Outside.

800 Recovery Hub Blog

Written by people in recovery for people in recovery

Disrupted Physician

The Physician Wellness Movement and Illegitimate Authority: The Need for Revolt and Reconstruction

Young & Twenty

Your 20s Playbook

Karen Wilson - AWAKEN

Tools for Personal Development: Meditation-Healing- Retreats Byron Bay,NSW